I am sure you are wondering what I am talking about with respect to the title of this post, right? This is actually a little gem I learned in my studies of Ayurvedic Medicine. I’ve actually reaped many benefits from practicing this little therapy daily and it only takes ten minutes out of my day. I can’t believe some people do it for 20 minutes. I am still working up to that, especially, if you add it in with something else that you tend to do everyday anyway, like showering. I just had to share this with you. It’s just so simple and easy. Maybe you have already heard of it and have added it to your health regimen. If so, write and tell me about your experience with Coconut Pulling.
Coconut Pulling is an ancient practice of taking 1 tbsp. of the oil into the mouth and swishing and pulling it in and out of the teeth for 15 -20 minutes. People use different oils. I prefer Coconut oil because of its natural antiviral, antibiotic properties. DO NOT gargle it! DO NOT SWALLOW THE OIL! You want to spit all that bacteria, pus and nasty gunk out! Coconut oil expert Dr. Bruce Fife says, “Oil pulling is one of the most remarkable methods of detoxification and healing I have ever experienced in my career as a naturopathic physician.”
I was excited to try this out after researching all its benefits in school. When I started Coconut Pulling, I had no idea what the benefits would be for me personally. I have never been fond of coconut cake or Almond Joy’s (until recently) so I thought I might have some problems with doing it. I was afraid I would gag. I went out and purchased my first jar of Organic Coconut Oil ( I always use every herbal remedy on myself first before having family or friends try it ). I was wondering how I could keep that stuff in my mouth for 1 minute let alone 20 minutes, just swishing it around. It all sounded kind of exhausting and excuse the immaturity here, but yucky! I finally came up with the idea of putting it in my mouth and then jumping into the shower. I would try to swish for the whole time I was bathing and shampooing my hair. The first time felt like forever. I started chewing it until it turned all watery in my mouth. But I did it without spitting and gagging or snorting it through my nose!!!! These were my fears folks. Whatever you do don’t spit that stuff in your sink or you will be calling a plumber. Spit it in the toilet or better yet a trash can. I then brushed my teeth and rinsed with clean water. Did I mention to do this on an empty stomach? I was amazed instantly how clean my teeth felt, even cleaner than after flossing and very shiny too. The weeks and months that followed were even more astonishing. I started noticing my breath was fresher, my sinus ailments were gone, I slept better, my teeth were whiter, digestion had improved, food tasted better and no colds to name just a few. I have to admit for the first week I experienced some nausea, but I knew and actually hoped for this. I know I sound crazy, because coconut pulling helps ‘pull out’ toxins from your body and nausea is the side effect of this event. The mouth is the first step in digestion, there’s a boat load of bacteria in your mouth and it can enter the blood stream from your mouth. Homeopathic medicine is even placed under the tongue for easy absorption into your blood stream. So I knew it could help remove toxins. A huge noticeable improvement came that I never even thought could happen. Pulling ‘pulled’ the WRINKLES out, ok well helped reduced their appearance. I think that was because I was giving my face a full work out with all that pulling and swishing. I remember my face being sore. Like my face had done a round of sit ups. Maybe I was swishing too hard, so relax and go easy on yourself. I don’t know if Ken will like this little nugget to be known, but his coconut pulling decreased his painfully loud snoring. Everyone in the family knows he can shatter windows.
It is helpful to write down in a journal the day you start and pay attention to the way your body feels from starting this therapy. You may use this to help with your children’s health, especially if they have reoccurring ear infections, colds, asthma or Strep throat. Imagine using this simple therapy to help keep you out of the Doctor’s office. I know many Moms who feel like they live at the Pediatrician’s office. Do you feel like you have tried everything and that you are at the end of your rope? People have experienced many benefits and I look forward to hearing how you have been helped. I know the benefits of coconut pulling goes beyond just the mouth. There is not a more simple or easy detox therapy out there. Picture this, no dieting, no drinking nasty herbs that have you running to the toilet and you know what I mean. As my granddaughter Gabby would say, “It’s easy peasy”.
Here’s some health benefits people have said they have experienced from using Coconut Pulling.
- Whiter, straighter teeth
- Healthy, pink gums
- Increased energy
- Decreased migraine headaches
- Clear sinuses
- Less severe asthma
- Decreased allergies
- Improved PMS symptoms
- Regulated menstrual cycles
- Better sleep
- Clear skin
In 1996, Indian newspaper “Andhra Jyoti” conducted a survey to find out user experiences regarding the effectiveness of oil pulling. Out of a total of 1041 respondents, 927 (89%) reported amazing health benefits. Only 114 (11%) reported no benefit.
I am not claiming it to be the one cure all, I am just sharing with you the results I have experienced and how it can be one step toward aiding your body in healing itself.
It’s so simple and easy! Give it a try. It can’t hurt anything! So are you going to pull or not?
Thanks, Lesa! I am going to pull today! Coconut oil sounds better than any other oil choice. Love your new site! I am anxiously awaiting your next post!!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us! Keep up your good work!
This sounds amazing. I recently began learning about the benefits of coconut oil, but this is a new one. I’ll be trying this ASAP, thanks for the great article!
Keep me posted.
I’ve been doing this for awhile and highly recommend it! I was stunned @ the immediate improvement in oral health and my teeth had never felt so clean after the 1st time doing it. For quite awhile I’d been replacing butter and less healthy oils with coconut oil whenever possible so when I came across an article on oil pulling it was my 1st choice. My biggest obstacle was my skepticism that oil would clean so I looked @ it as a 20 minute experiment and became a believer. It didn’t take long to feel the positive effects that it was having on my skin, sinuses, ear canals…the benefits spread as you continue to do it. I do spit it out into the sink, but run very hot water as I do, and haven’t had a problem as it’s very fluid by the time you’re done. My biggest problem with doing it is setting aside the 20 minutes.
I think many will agree with you. The hardest part IS setting aside the time. But it is soooo worth it. Thank you for commenting.