I actually have family and friends who jokingly make fun of me for always suggesting garlic for their ailments. My dear friend Lisa has threatened to put some catchy garlic phrase on my grave stone. I personally value its healing properties. I have been eating the delicious herb since before kindergarten. It was then that my Dad would put it on a slice of bread, chopped very thin, either with just butter or peanut butter, fold the bread over and eat it. My brothers and I didn’t catch the usual colds or viruses that the other kids did at school.

After garlic has been consumed, it is then absorbed into your bloodstream and diffused through different organs. This is how the skin, intestines, lungs, and urinary system benefit from its healing properties. Its active agent is allicin, which is responsible for its very strong odor and its healing.

25 benefits of garlic:

  1. Ear Infections
  2. Sinus Infections
  3. Wart Removal
  4. Colds
  5. Flu
  6. Constipation
  7. Lowers LDL (bad cholesterol)
  8. Raises HDL (good cholesterol)
  9. Constipation
  10. Shingles
  11. Joint pain
  12. Fever
  13. Blood Thinner
  14. Corns
  15. Athlete’s Foot
  16. Nail Fungus
  17. Heart Disease
  18. Stroke
  19. Sprains
  20. Disinfectant
  21. Wormer
  22. Bug Repellant
  23. Ulcers
  24. Viruses
  25. Antibiotic

Garlic loses its antibacterial/antiviral effect when it is cooked. Medicinal garlic needs to be eaten raw or in its essential oil. Choose solid, firm bulbs, and avoid the ones with soft or damp spots. If you don’t want to try the “sandwich” my Dad used to make for me, perhaps shred it on a salad, using parsley, mint or cilantro along with it to avoid bad breath.

Okay, don’t laugh but here’s a little remedy for your cold or sore throat:

Shred 1 extra large clove or 2 – you can use a press or your food processor to crush 1 oz of garlic if you want. Mix with 1 cup of honey. Let sit for 1 hour. Keep it somewhere cool, and when you feel a cold coming on, take 1 to 2 tsp and then take every hour thereafter. This is also great for relieving severe chest congestion and those painful coughing fits.

I hope you will remember this handy natural remedy and reach for it more often, maybe it will become one of your favorites too!

If you want any further advice or tips on how to use raw garlic for your ailments, feel free to email me at lesa@lesazenauskas.com.