One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is losing those extra pounds you have been carrying around so you can look hot in those ‘skinny’ jeans. All of us are uniquely made and a diet that works for one person just might not work for another. Over 90% of people fail at their resolution. I want to encourage you to look past all the diet books and new fads and find out what works best for your own body. Experiment with different methods and LISTEN to your body. I have listed some solutions below. I dare you to step out and try them all but pick one at a time.
“To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping.”
~ Chinese Proverb
- Drink more water – ’cause your body is 75% water, you know. It’s crucial! The late Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, an Iranian-born physician, claimed that regularly drinking water can treat an array of illnesses. “You aren’t sick, you are thirsty”, he asserted in his best-selling 1992 book, Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, which brilliantly proves how most pains and sicknesses are due to dehydration. Did you know that a craving for sweets is actually a signal from your body that you are dehydrated? Ok, so I will eat my chocolate bar with some water.
- Increase or introduce yourself to whole grains – they surprisingly can help you maintain a steady level of blood sugar. They release sugar slowly into your bloodstream, the body absorbs it slower and you in turn are provided with longer lasting energy. So eat up!
- Practice cooking – practice, practice, practice… if you are like me. Ken, my husband, is a better cook by far, just ask any of our 9 grandchildren. Try to get away from fast foods. Cooking delicious meals in a short time is a skill worth learning. It’s not rocket science, but it does take practice. While practicing, be forgiving and give yourself permission to make mistakes. My Kenny always says you can tell when someone puts love into their meal. The first time he said this I laughed at him. But remember when you were a child how Grandma’s meals always tasted and smelled sooooo yummy! That’s because Grandmas always add a dash or two of love. A very intimate relationship exists between the meal and the one savoring it.
- Up the sweet veggies – it helps to have the naturally sweet flavors over the processed ones. When cooked these have a deep, sweet flavor – like corn, onions, carrots, winter squashes, sweet potatoes and yams. Some of you may not agree, but parsnips and turnips have a wonderful flavor as well. You can check out my website for some delicious recipes coming soon:
- Increase your leafy greens – just like Momma said, “You gotta eat your greens before you get any pudding”. They are high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc and loads of vitamins. I am not talking iceberg lettuce people. I want you to try kale, collards, watercress, broccoli, mustard greens, rabe, dandelion and others. Raw arugula is my favorite by far. I love it with some walnut oil drizzled on top with a little sea salt and black pepper . Excuse me, but I need to excuse myself to go see if I still have some in my fridge. :) Try adding these several times a week, better yet daily. Give it a month and tell me how you feel. Make a smoothie with them if it helps you get them down. Benefits – blood purification, improved circulation, strengthened immune system, healthy intestinal flora, elimination of depression, improved digestion and clearing of lung congestion.
- Experiment with different proteins – they help build muscle, beautiful skin and hair. Requirements vary dramatically from person to person. So try increasing or decreasing and see how it makes you feel. You will find that I say to listen to your body quite often. The body was designed to heal itself, it wants to heal itself and it will tell you when it needs something. I will go into proteins more in a future blog post. The best size portion of meat is the size and thickness of the palm of your hand.
- Consume less diary, sugar, junk foods, coffee, and alcohol – this is the hardest one I think. You will see that you have an increase in energy right away. The effects of these I will cover in another blog. Don’t try taking away all these at once. Just pick one at first and then try another.
- Develop easy habits that nurture your body – this relationship is often over looked by the medical community. Purchase a hot water bottle (like all Grandmas have). You will be amazed at the power this simple procedure packs just by placing it on your tummy. The lower belly is the central balance point of your body. Heat from the water bottle brings more energy and more circulation to the digestive organs in the area, which is the engine of your entire body. Try it at bedtime, place it on your tummy for about 15 to 20 minutes. Don’t put the rubber against your body throw it inside a pillowcase or a old cotton t-shirt for comfort. Another way to nurture your body is by doing a hot towel scrub. It relaxes, detoxes, and increases circulation. Your skin is your largest eliminating organ. You eliminate more toxins through your skin then through urinating, or defecating. The hot towel scrub rejuvenates your skin. Take a wash cloth, dip it in hot water, wring it out, and then rub your entire body for about five to 10 minutes. There’s no right way or wrong way. Do not do it in the shower. Stand by your sink in front of the mirror. I like to do this in the evening for relaxing but I know others who like doing it in the mornings because it’s very invigorating. These are simple tools with huge rewards. Your body will love you for it.
- Loving relationships that support you – rarely do I meet someone who has all the support they need. Sometimes it is as simple as asking for help. Other times, the answer may be in creating new relationships and getting rid of old ones that bring you down. We all need a loving support system, this is an important issue, so find people in your life that can offer it to you.
- Find some sort of physical activity that you enjoy and get moving – many of you hate exercise, I understand. Can you do this for me? Think about what you loved to do as a kid? Close your eyes and remember it. How did you feel? Was it dancing, playing ball, or hiking? Reconnect! Get moving regularly. Exercising aids in digestion, lifts your mood, and increases circulation. I will meet you outside for a little dodge ball.
- Find work you love or find a way to love the work you are doing – most Americans hate their job. That’s actually where they spend most of their time and energy. It’s sad. They don’t even realize how this affects their health. If you are young you can look at possibly changing your career to a more suited talent you possess but if you are older it is scary to even think of taking a new path for many reasons. It will be a challenge for you to find a way to love it. If it is an office job, you could add some paintings or change your surroundings to make it more pleasant. Instead of looking at your work environment and blaming it you could see what you can learn from your current situation and how you can make changes. You may be surprised that when you make changes with yourself, your job may feel more fulfilling. Like I said, it can be a challenge.
- Spiritual practice – this is what gives meaning to our lives. I feel this is the biggest missing link in our world. My experiences show that people feel more connected with life, the big picture, and they get healthier faster.
Which one of these steps will you try first? Try it for a week. You’ll be glad you did. Your body will THANK you. Go at your own pace! Could one of these choices be helpful to you? It’s almost been a month, how’s your resolution going?